Landschaft_LZTG_by_Daniel_Zangerl_WEB_ (7)
03. Jul 2022

Family vacation

Family holidays in Lech Zürs

The Lech Card offers an enormous range for your vacation in Lech am Arlberg. We describe on the basis of a fictitious family how you can create a relaxing and exciting stay in Lech.


The vaction starts...

Finally the summer vacations are here for Benjamin and Carina, on the last day of school they are looking forward to preparing for their vacation with dad and mom. Like every year, all four of them plan to spend time together.

Dad knows Lech Zürs am Arlberg very well from conventions, and he also eagerly follows the updates that are posted on social media.


He shows pictures and tells about this wonderful place: All are enthusiastic and the decision is made, it should be Lech am Arlberg for family vacations.


On Saturday around noon they check in at the hotel, meanwhile the receptionist recommends the Lech Card and explains the advantages to the family. They do not miss this offer and buy the Lech Card for 7 days.


Day 1 Sunday

After yesterday's exhausting arrival, the four want to make a leisurely Sunday. A good way to discover the area: Take the summer cablecars, which are included in the Lech Card. Therefore, they decide for the Seekopfbahn in Zürs. They have heard, that the Zürser See is a beautiful spot to walk around the lake and get used to the mountain air. 

At the end of this leisurely excursion, the four of them eat at the Seekopf mountain restaurant and head home to Lech via "Wiesele" hiking trail

Day 2 Monday

Just like dad and mom, the kids are also very adventurous and love the mountains. Therefore, the parents book the children's adventure program on Monday, climbing. Together with the experienced guides from Arlberg Alpin, the adventure begins for the two. Martin brings Benjamin and Carina to the meeting point. 

The adventure starts: The children go up to the Rüfikopf with the cablecar. During the short hike to the climbing spot, Benjamin and Carina already made new friends. Finally, they find themselves in the rocks - a lot of different routes can be climbed here. 

Until the children`s adventure program ends at half past 3, the parents do a nice excursion: The go with the hiking bus to Formarinsee, on of the most famous places in Vorarlberg. 


Day 3 Tuesday

With Barbara Lankmayer the Tannberg is explored. On this hike, which lasts about 5 hours, the history of the Walser on the Arlberg is brought closer to the four, as well as the Bürstegg is explored.

All four enjoy the time together in nature, especially Dad and Mom, as they love to spend quality time with their children.

Day 4 Wednesday

Since the weather on Tuesday is unfortunately not so good, there must be a bad weather alternative. How good that the Lech Card also includes an hour of bowling. Equipped with umbrellas, the four of them take a walk through Lech to the Sport.Park.Lech, which with its green roof doesn't seem as big as expected. While bowling, the hour flies by, the result becomes secondary at some point, and the four simply have a good time. But the sports park manager has another idea for the family:

Directly in the sport.park.lech is also the library. That's a perfect fit, because the two children are real bookworms. It's a good thing that borrowing books from the library is free with the Lech Card. Equipped with a few books, they return to the hotel, where the four of them spend a leisurely afternoon reading.

Day 5 Thursday

The sun is shining again, however, today it is clearly too hot for sports activities, a heat wave had been coming for a long time, now it seems to be here. 
A welcome cooling offers the forest swimming pool, here on Thursday the swimming training for the children is offered. Carina and Benjamin enjoy swimming, so Martin and Maria realize that they can't miss out.

Maria takes the two little ones to the meeting point at Rüfiplatz. One more advantage of this plan: The parents can join the children and go with them to the forest swimming pool. While the children do the swim training, the two can go swimming themselves.
After swimming training, Carina and Benjamin proudly show off their new swimming technique. The four of them enjoy themselves here and spend the rest of the day there. 

Day 6 Friday

In the children's adventure program, Carina reads that archery will be offered on Friday. Benjamin is thrilled by the idea and immediately tells his parents. They agree to the little ones' wishes. Martin and Maria take them to the meeting point at 9:15 a.m., after which they decided to enjoy some time together. They walk through Lech and Martin tells her about the winter. He didn't know Lech in summer, but is thrilled by the beautiful village and the impressive mountains.

Full of anticipation for the little ones' stories, the parents pick up the children from archery. Carina and Benjamin introduce them to their new friends, who proudly tell them about their trip to the Rüfikopf yesterday.
For the end of the holidays, they still have one highlight: The four of them booked the adventure evening at Rüfikopf.  At half past 6, the Rüfikopf gondola brings them up to 2.350m. Here they can observe one of the most beautiful sunsets in the mountains. What an experience! 

Day 7 Saturday

On the last day, they want to spend the whole day together. Luckily, the Lech Cards also offers a family adventure : canyoning Here, together with the guides from Arlberg Alpin and two other families, a wet and thrilling adventure begins.

Refreshed but happy, the four begin their way back to the hotel to get ready for departure. All four are thrilled with their vacation in Lech am Arlberg, and according to dad's stories, mom, Benjamin and Carina want to get to know Lech in winter as well. What will happen there? We will see... 

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