The Patron CleanUP Tour stops in Vorarlberg
The moments when they observed how much rubbish is consciously and unconsciously left behind while mountaineering, biking, climbing, fly fishing and walking in the mountains and valleys united the patron Plasticfree Peaks - they no longer want to stand by and watch, but act together.
Since 2021, the CleanUp Days have already been a guest in Montafon to free the mountains and valleys from rubbish - from 07-10 September 2023, the campaign will now be extended to the whole of Vorarlberg for the first time and we are joining in!

As part of the VORARLBERG CleanUP Days, four destinations are calling on people to clean up the beautiful nature in our neighbourhood. The clean-up will take place in Lech Zürs, Montafon, Kleinwalsertal and Bregenzerwald - and also on the Pfänder Ridge.

Cleaning up the mountains together: from 07-10.09.2023
The aim of the Patron CleanUP Tour is to free nature from litter and to preserve our natural environment. The mountains are our home and #plasticfreepeaks ensures that the diversity and beauty of this unique natural space is preserved for future generations.

Besides cleaning up, the CleanUp Days also focus on community: go out together, clean up and celebrate nature. At many tour stops, Plasticfree Peaks organises a #patronconcert, a community CleanUP and other great events - you don't want to miss it!
Each participant can form their own self-organised team, or set off on their own. In the CleanUp Map, participants can enter their routes, so that an overview of the routes of all participants is created. The distribution points for the free CleanUp equipment and the drop-off points for the collected rubbish can also be found on the map.

It's super easy to be part of it: #youarepatron
1. fill out the free registration form and enter your walking route.
2. open the CleanUP Map and see where litter is already being collected - check if your route is already being cleaned. Register your tour so that your commitment is also shown on the map.
3. pick up your free CleanUp equipment at a distribution point (all distribution points can be found on the CleanUP Map).
4. go for a hike, enjoy nature, clean up
5. hand in your collected rubbish at a rubbish collection point (you can also find them on the CleanUp Map).
6. #grabitandtagit - show your commitment under this hashtag on Instagram and motivate more people to become part of the movement!
Psssst ... by helping with the CleanUP Days, you will automatically take part in a competition in which great prizes will be raffled off among all CleanUP participants!
Together for nature - all year round!
Of course, we can also do something good for nature outside of these CleanUp Days! On the CleanUP Map you can register a private CleanUP at any time and set off.

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