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A winter without guests

“I'm looking forward to the feeling of experiencing things together.”

Renée Jud

Cultural Event Manager (Tanzcafé Arlberg and Skyspace James Turrell)

Winter 2020/21:

“I'm looking forward to the feeling of experiencing things together.”


As for Skyspace, it is a real pity that we were not allowed to provide tours last winter. The art installation on the mountain has only been around since 2018 and everything was off to such a great start. In the current situation, Skyspace has become a place for many locals that they walk up to, enter for a few minutes, and collect their thoughts.


In general, I miss the people, the meetings, being social. On the other hand, experiencing this village during a winter with only locals and employees around is special. The slopes are more or less empty and you can cross-country ski whenever you want. The atmosphere is very special, but also characterised by constant waiting to see what happens next.


I was suddenly faced with a lot of time, had many projects swirling around in my mind, came up with concepts that I had to discard in the end. It wasn't easy to remain motivated to properly manage my time.


When it all starts again, I'm looking forward to the people – and the artists – who are taking part in Tanzcafé Arlberg. I'm especially looking forward to concerts and other cultural events, to this feeling of experiencing things together, as if we were in a common cloud.

Summer 2022:

It was nice to experience that festival atmosphere in the village again – although different, because only outdoor concerts were allowed at Tanzcafé and Covid-19 was still hovering over us: Concerts were cancelled, we had to reschedule again and again, and people were generally becoming more cautious and non-committal, for instance when it came to booking events. People were also more cautious about Skyspace. Nevertheless, I got the feeling that people longed for live concerts. People had their fun, they were actually a little more carefree again.

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